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Defending against the cyber pandemic demands holistic security and intelligent DevSecOps

Learn how Synopsys AppSec tools and services can help your organization deliver a holistic security approach to address rising cyber threats. Not only has the number of cyber attacks increased dramatically in 2020, but the ingenuity and scale of the attacks has also jumped way off the charts. The SolarWinds attack was “the largest and most sophisticated attack the world has ever seen” with the number of software engineers working on these attacks estimated to be over 1,000.

A Comprehensive Approach to DAST

In the modern DevOps framework, the security has shifted to the left and Application Security Testing (AST) techniques like DAST have become even more important. The latest Forrester reports indicate that application weaknesses and software vulnerabilities are the most common attack methods, and businesses fall victim to ransomware every 11 seconds. Further, modern-day businesses are consistently grappling with fast-paced development and industry disruptions.

Veracode Ranked as a Strong Performer in Forrester Wave Software Composition Analysis Report

Veracode has been recognized in a report Forrester Research recently released, The Forrester Wave™: Software Composition Analysis, Q3 2021 . The report helps security professionals select a software composition analysis (SCA) vendor that best fits their needs. The report, which evaluates 10 SCA vendors against 37 criteria, ranks Veracode as a strong performer.

Key Insights into Gartner Hype Cycle for Application Security 2021

Gartner Hype Cycle started as a graphical representation method to represent the adoption, evolution, and maturity of new emerging technologies. Over time, it has now transformed into a highly potent and reliable powerhouse of smart insights into how emerging technologies will evolve in the future.

Web application security explained: reviewing WAS testing, best practices, and tools

In today’s corporate environment, business is predominantly conducted online. Most organizations have a website or some type of web application that functions as the hub of their online operations.In today’s corporate environment, business is predominantly conducted online. Most organizations have a website or some type of web application that functions as the hub of their online operations.

Keep infrastructure as code secure with Synopsys

Infrastructure as code is a key concept in DevOps for cloud deployments. Learn how to secure it using Rapid Scan SAST. It was not long ago when we needed to submit an IT support ticket to help launch infrastructure configurations (virtual machines, networks configurations, load balancers, databases, etc.) every time we needed to deploy a new application. It worked when we needed those less frequently, but it was not easily scalable.

Getting Application Security Back on the Rails

In its Interagency Report 7695, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defined an application as “a system for collecting, saving, processing, and presenting data by means of a computer.” This broad term covers enterprise applications, consumer applications, and even phone apps. Security is important in all these types of applications, but the focus is not always the same. Let’s explore how below.

Developing Secure Web Applications: 6 Best Practices

When businesses think about maintaining cybersecurity, the first thing that comes to mind is often endpoint and network security. However, web application security is becoming increasingly important. There have been numerous high-profile attacks on web applications in recent years; in 2020, for instance, the Twitter accounts of famous people were compromised as part of a bitcoin scam.

SANS Survey Finds Only 29% of Orgs Have Automated Most of Their Security Testing

IT workloads are increasingly moving to the cloud, changing the way organizations develop and deliver software. Deploying and running production systems is now separate from the hardware and network, infrastructure is defined through code, and operations are now part of cloud service APIs.

Mapping the Attack Surface for Insurance Applications

As insurance organizations look to attract and engage customers, the growing use of web applications has increased their cyber exposure and the risks of cyberattacks. In this benchmark study, we analyzed the attack surface of the top 10 insurers in Europe to highlight the common attack vectors and security weaknesses that could be exploited – from page creation method to vulnerable components – and our top tips for reducing web application security risks.