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A security overview of Content Management Systems

Any developer would probably agree Content Management Systems (CMS) make it easier for web development teams and marketing to work together. However CMS assets like are also web application based and could be targets of hacker attacks. Why’s that? Simply because they are based on commonly used technologies, communicate with end users, bring in organic or paid reader traffic and build brand awareness.

Resilience in the Age of Automated Hacking

When we think about cyber attacks, we usually think about the malicious actors behind the attacks, the people who profit or gain from exploiting digital vulnerabilities and trafficking sensitive data. In doing so, we can make the mistake of ascribing the same humanity to their methods, thinking of people sitting in front of laptops, typing code into a terminal window.

Bypassing and exploiting Bucket Upload Policies and Signed URLs

TL;DR Bucket upload policies are a convenient way to upload data to a bucket directly from the client. Going through the rules in upload policies and the logic related to some file-access scenarios we show how full bucket object listings were exposed with the ability to also modify or delete existing files in the bucket.

What happened when we hacked an expo?

Last year we exhibited at a major information security trade show in London, during the preparation for this we received our exhibitor passes as “print yourself” PDF files. We immediately noticed that there are two forms of barcode here and, interestingly, the QR Code seems quite dense given that all it should be storing is a delegate ID number. Being the inquisitive sort of people that we are, we started up a QR scanner and had a look at its contents.