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6 Steps to Performing a Cybersecurity Risk Assesment

If you ever purchased a “one-size-fits-all” item of clothing, you know that it’s never really going to fit everyone. Some people are too shirt and others too tall. Most cybersecurity standards and regulatory requirements recognize the same limitations apply to cybersecurity. Multinational corporations have different needs when compared to small and mid-sized organizations.

Top 7 Tips for Improving Cyber Risk Management in 2019

With the constant barrage of headlines regarding breaches in the last few years, it seems that society in general has become numb to losing personal data. This year’s overarching cybersecurity theme is clear: We’re all in this together because we simply can’t do it alone. Effective defense demands a team effort where employees, enterprises, and end users alike recognize their shared role in reducing cybersecurity risks.

KPI's For Evaluating Your Vendor Management Program

Creating a vendor management program is difficult. However, that’s only the first part of the process. To fully implement your plan, you need to measure its effectiveness at reducing risk. To do that, you need objective key performance indicators (KPIs) for determining how well your vendors comply with the outlined controls in the service level agreement.

Risk Management Planning: What Is It?

We all live in a world full of "what ifs." In data protection, the "what ifs" of data security control effectiveness can drastically change in a spur of the moment. If a malicious actor finds a zero-day exploit or even a previously unknown vulnerability, he/she can cause a domino effect data breach that cuts across your entire IT supply chain.

Risk Appetite vs Risk Tolerance

Although often used interchangeably, risk appetite and risk tolerance distinguish themselves from one another in a nuanced way. While most regulations and standards focus on the risk management process, few clearly define the differences between these terms in a meaningful way. However, to create an effective cybersecurity program, you need to be able to separate risk appetite from risk tolerance so that you can develop appropriate controls to protect data.

Third-Party Credentials and Vendor Risk: Safeguard Your Applications

Your primary systems aren’t the only source of damaging exposed credentials. Third-party applications employed by your organization also have privileged logins that must be protected. Cloud platforms, software as a service (SaaS), and local third party applications such as ERP systems often have administrative logins with full control.

Redefining the Meaning of Operational Risk

The definition of “operational risk” is variable but it generally covers the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events. I, however, want to re-examine this general definition, so that the definition of operational risk takes into account all the cybersecurity-related risks that are currently plaguing organizations today. With the current definition, one cannot quantify internal processes and people.

2 BitSight Alternatives for Managing Cyber Risk

If you’re involved in IT risk or security, you’ve probably encountered BitSight. It is one of a wave of promised solutions to a growing problem: how to manage the risks posed by your IT vendors in the cloud. The legacy approach to solving this problem is a combination of spreadsheet-based vendor assessments, sporadic penetration tests and vulnerability scans. If you combine this with subjective measurement and scoring of risk, you are probably taking on a lot more risk than you should.

Minimizing Cyber Risk in Microsoft Environments

Microsoft’s enterprise software powers the majority of large environments. Though often hybridized with open source solutions and third party offerings, the core components of Windows Server, Exchange, and SQL Server form the foundation of many organizations’ data centers. Despite their prevalence in the enterprise, Microsoft systems have also carried a perhaps unfair reputation for insecurity, compared to Linux and other enterprise options.