You can't do business without your vendors. They support critical elements of your organization, from cloud storage services to payment processing to physical items like office supplies or physical components. Your vendors make your organization run more efficiently – but sometimes at a risk to your financial, reputational and operational resiliency.
By 2025, there will be more than 100 zettabytes of data stored in the cloud – that’s a lot of data! With more applications needing to process a significant amount of data in real-time, there is a shift in demand for distributed cloud and edge computing. Fortunately, the distributed cloud brings many impressive benefits to organizations – generating immense cost savings, greater scalability, and reaching resource-intensive business demands.
As organizations look to take their 2022 security concerns head-on, they need to create resilient cybersecurity programs that help them make smarter, faster, informed decisions. In our recent webinar, I had the pleasure of chatting with security professionals Mike Wilkes from SecurityScorecard, Scott Fuller from Access Health, and John Beal from St. Charles Health. They discuss the challenges they face and how their security plans for 2022 to mitigate risk across their entire ecosystem.
The 2022 new year is here! That means it’s time to bid farewell to the winter of 2021. At the same time, looking at security trends can give us insight into the future. Last year was a record-breaking year for data breaches. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), the number of publicly reported 2021 breaches in the first three quarters of this year exceeded the total number of incidents in the entirety of 2020.