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CodeSecDays conference and more complete security coverage with GitGuardian

As secrets have a role in most security incidents, Snyk is excited to partner with GitGuardian to help development and security teams scale their security programs and further reduce an application's attack surface at every stage of the code-to-cloud lifecycle. We recently spoke at GitGuardian's first digital conference, CodeSecDays, joining security leaders from Chainguard, Doppler, Kondukto, and more — who shared insights on software signing, open source security, and secrets management.

Defender Pretender: When Windows Defender Updates Become a Security Risk

The SafeBreach Labs team is committed to conducting original research to uncover new threats and ensure our Hacker’s Playbook provides the most comprehensive collection of attacks. As part of our recent research efforts, we discovered a vulnerability in the Windows Defender update process that could effectively allow an unprivileged user to take full control of the Windows Defender tool and leverage it for future malicious activities.

IoT Monitoring: Protecting & Maintaining IoT Devices in 2023

The state of cybersecurity is in constant flux — meaning we must constantly iterate and revisit our systems to protect ourselves. With security logging and monitoring failures moving up to number 9 of the OWASP Top 10, organizations everywhere are revisiting their stance on network and application monitoring. This is great for getting a pulse check on security posture and is certainly key in any good strategy, but we might be forgetting something — IoT devices.

Manage security issues in Jira with Snyk Security in Jira Cloud

Incorporating security into the software development lifecycle helps ensure the creation of secure and robust software applications from the very beginning. To further evolve our security offerings in the developer community, we announced our partnership with Atlassian to introduce Snyk Security in Jira Cloud as a part of the Security in Jira launch in June. Snyk started gradually rolling out the Jira Security App and has significantly improved the functionality and features available to users.

.NET developers alert: Moq NuGET package exfiltrates user emails from git

On August 8, 2023, the.NET community was informed that the testing library called Moq exfiltrates developer's emails from their development machine and sends them off to third-party remote servers. Snyk has already published a security advisory and will alert developers who scan and monitor their.NET projects with Snyk.

Mind the (Interpretation) gap: Another reason why threat modeling is important

Where do vulnerabilities fit with respect to security standards and guidelines? Was it a coverage issue or an interpretation and implementation issue? Where does a product, environment, organization, or business vertical fail the most in terms of standards requirements? These questions are usually left unanswered because of the gap between standards or regulations on the one hand, and requirements interpretation and implementation, on the other.

BitForge: Fireblocks researchers uncover vulnerabilities in over 15 major wallet providers

The Fireblocks cryptography research team has uncovered BitForge – a series of zero-day vulnerabilities in some of the most widely adopted implementations of multi-party computation (MPC) protocols, including GG-18, GG-20, and Lindell17.