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Gootloader Malware Uses Social Engineering to Target Law Firms (or their Clients)

Law firms are being targeted by a large number of social engineering attacks involving the Gootloader malware delivery tool, according to researchers at Trustwave. “Recently, we’ve seen a noticeable surge in malware cases linked to a malicious payload delivery system known as Gootloader,” the researchers write. “The group behind this malware is believed to operate a malware-as-a-service operation, exclusively providing a malware delivery service for other threat actors.

Number of Named Ransomware Victim Organizations Jumps 64% in One Quarter

The second quarter of this year has become the focus of some new firsts in ransomware attacks, according to new data from cybersecurity vendor Reliaquest. None of us want to see ransomware continue “up and to the right” on a chart. But it appears that this is the case, according to Reliaquest’s Ransomware Report: Q2 2023.

Mac systems turned into proxy exit nodes by AdLoad

AdLoad malware is still infecting Mac systems years after its first appearance in 2017. AdLoad, a package bundler, has been observed delivering a wide range of payloads throughout its existence. During AT&T Alien Labs’ investigation of its most recent payload, it was discovered that the most common component dropped by AdLoad during the past year has been a proxy application turning MacOS AdLoad victims into a giant, residential proxy botnet.

One Drive, Double Agent: Clouded OneDrive Turns Sides

Over the past few years, ransomware has emerged as one of the most significant cybersecurity threats. Recent research conducted by Sophos indicates that the situation is becoming increasingly dire. Notably, the payments demanded by ransomware groups have surged, making the attacks even more costly for victims. Additionally, an alarming 66% of organizations have reported being targeted by ransomware attacks in the last two years alone.

There's a New Stealer Variant in Town, and It's Using Electron to Stay Fully Undetected

Our threat research team recently uncovered new npm packages that are used to download a new info-stealer variant that uses the popular Electron framework to disguise itself as a legitimate application. In this blog post, we’ll analyze the attack flow of this new info-stealer we detected and explain how it can stay undetected by abusing trusted development tools like Electron.

.NET developers alert: Moq NuGET package exfiltrates user emails from git

On August 8, 2023, the.NET community was informed that the testing library called Moq exfiltrates developer's emails from their development machine and sends them off to third-party remote servers. Snyk has already published a security advisory and will alert developers who scan and monitor their.NET projects with Snyk.

Four Consecutive Years as Both a Leader and Furthest in Vision in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Backup and Recovery Software Solutions

Rubrik is on a mission to secure the world’s data, and our position as an innovator has been reaffirmed in this 4th consecutive year being a Leader and furthest on Vision in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Backup and Recovery Solutions. This recognition validates our commitment to helping customers achieve complete cyber resilience.

Fantastic Rootkits: And Where To Find Them (Part 3) - ARM Edition

In this blog, we will discuss innovative rootkit techniques on a non-traditional architecture, Windows 11 on ARM64. In the prior posts, we covered rootkit techniques applied to a modern Windows 10 OS (Part 1) and rootkit analysis of current threats for Intel x86-64 (Part 2). Although we have yet to come across any malware family in the wild targeting this platform, we may see it in the near future as Windows on ARM devices grow in popularity.

WormGPT and FraudGPT - The Rise of Malicious LLMs

As technology continues to evolve, there is a growing concern about the potential for large language models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, to be used for criminal purposes. In this blog we will discuss two such LLM engines that were made available recently on underground forums, WormGPT and FraudGPT. If criminals were to possess their own ChatGPT-like tool, the implications for cybersecurity, social engineering, and overall digital safety could be significant.