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Web Application Security Testing: Struggles, Shortfalls and Solutions

High-value data, mission criticality, and sheer numbers make web applications a compelling target for cyberattacks. According to Verizon’s 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report, web applications were the most commonly exploited vector in both incidents and breaches last year.1 There’s another reason why web applications may be so attractive to threat actors. Most security teams simply cannot keep pace with demands for application updates and patching, testing, and vulnerability remediation.

The Biggest Security Nightmares from 2023 and How They Could Ruin Your 2024

It feels like the number of security issues affecting vital internet-exposed assets is never-ending. No one can predict the next big vulnerability. But exposure management techniques can help prepare your organization for a wide range of issues by identifying, validating, and mobilizing your response to emerging threats. These processes also include validating fixes and issues, a well-documented mobilization process, and automatic scanning for high value assets.

What CISOs Need to Know About the SEC's New Rules

Working as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has never been easy or glamorous. But with the recent adoption of new rules by the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission on cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance and incident disclosure, life as a CISO has just gotten harder. Adding to the longstanding organizational risk CISO’s have always managed, now they have to contend with personal risk as well.

Emerging Security Issue: Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect PAN-OS Software CVE-2024-3400

While Palo Alto Networks has not released patches for all affected versions, CyCognito has conducted active tests across all customer realms and 97.5% of CyCognito customers’ affected devices are no longer exploitable.

Explaining Explainability

There is an important concept that runs through our product that I call explainability. I use the term a lot with our product and engineering teams to emphasize our data-first approach and our will to stand behind our data. The term is, well, self-explanatory, but I want to dig into it and show how it helps security professionals. To me, I don’t know any other way of building a product that customers will truly trust other than to explain how conclusions and rankings were determined.

CyCognito Recognized as Leader in the GigaOm Radar for Attack Surface Management 2024

“Our report reflects CyCognito’s innovative approach to asset discovery and vulnerability assessment taken, while maintaining a solid foundation in the mature platform space. This placement indicates not only a commitment to advanced ASM solutions but also a keen focus on evolving and adapting to the changing digital landscape rapidly.”

Combining External Attack Surface Management and Crowdsourced Security Testing - Webinar Recap

Bugcrowd offers crowdsourced security testing through a community of white hat hackers. CyCognito offers automated discovery of an organization’s externally exposed attack surface. Combined, the two solutions allow for a comprehensive inventory of exposed assets to be included in the scope of bug bounties or pentests.

How Ben Bachmann, VP of Group Information Security at Ströer, Uncovers and Secures Hidden Digital Assets with CyCognito

When Benjamin Bachmann became the Vice President of Group Information Security at Ströer, two years ago, he encountered a significant challenge: the company lacked a comprehensive understanding of its external-facing assets. Ströer is a leading German media conglomerate with diverse operations spanning over 100 subsidiaries, each managing its own IT department, complicating the task of managing cybersecurity across such a diversified portfolio.