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Protecting Your Heart and Wallet: A Guide to Safe Charitable Giving

The holiday season brings out the best in people, with many feeling inspired to support worthy causes. Unfortunately, it also attracts scammers who prey on this generosity. Here’s how to ensure your donations reach legitimate charities while protecting your personal and financial information.

The Global Effort to Maintain Supply Chain Security | Part Two

A well-run kitchen requires a fully stocked pantry and a clear understanding of what’s on hand. In cybersecurity, your pantry is your asset inventory—every server, every piece of software, and even those firmware components lurking in the background. You wouldn’t want to cook without knowing exactly what ingredients are available, and you don’t want to secure your supply chain without knowing what’s in your digital inventory.

Identity Under Siege: Responding to the National Public Data Breach

While the scale of this data breach is alarming – with 277 gigabytes of data reportedly stolen – it’s important not to panic. Instead, focus on taking concrete steps to protect yourself. Stay informed, be proactive in safeguarding your personal information, and remain vigilant for any signs of suspicious activity.