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The Linux Kernel and the Cursed Driver

NTFS is a filesystem developed by Microsoft that was introduced in 1993. Since then, it has become the primary filesystem for Windows. In recent years, the need for an NTFS implementation for macOS and Linux has risen, and as a result, new NTFS drivers for those operating systems have been developed. This blog post presents some information about the NTFS driver for Linux and shows a bug we found in one of the filesystem’s features.

Breaking Docker Named Pipes SYSTEMatically: Docker Desktop Privilege Escalation - Part 1

Everything started when I was researching Windows containers. It required installing Docker Desktop for Windows, and I couldn’t help but notice that there were many Docker processes. Since some of the processes were privileged, the communication between them is of particular interest, which led me to explore further. I found the processes were using named pipes for communication, and one of them was a way to forward API calls from a low-privileged user to a privileged service.

How to Secure Secrets in Multi-cloud Environments

It wasn’t too long ago that using a single cloud for some business operations was cutting-edge technology. Now the cloud is essential for accelerating growth, improving efficiency and remaining competitive. Most organizations have multiple cloud environments deployed, in addition to private cloud and on-premises environments. In fact, in a soon-to-release CyberArk survey, 85% of respondents said they would be using three or more cloud service providers by 2023.

EP 20 - Hacking ChatGPT

Even if you’ve been living under a super-sized rock for the last few months, you’ve probably heard of ChatGPT. It’s an AI-powered chatbot and it’s impressive. It’s performing better on exams than MBA students. It can debug code and write software. It can write social media posts and emails. Users around the globe are clearly finding it compelling. And the repercussions – good and bad – have the potential to be monumental.

EP 19 - The Cybersecurity Gridiron

In this episode of the Trust Issues podcast, host David Puner interviews Nigel Miller, Director of Security Operations and Engineering at Maximus, a company that provides process management and tech solutions to help governments improve their health and human service programs. Nigel discusses his role in keeping the company’s nearly 40,000 employees cyber-trained and secure.

EP 18 - Why Protecting Critical Infrastructure is Critical in 2023

We’re starting the new year with a conversation focused on securing critical infrastructure. The issue, of course, is that we’re seeing increased threats and cyberattacks on critical infrastructure. Not to mention the war in Ukraine. This collective threat is a rallying point, bringing together cyber professionals from around the world, as well as their respective countries.