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FTC Safeguards Rule: 2023 Amendment & Strategies

The Federal Trade Commission or FTC, established in 1914, was put forth by then-president Woodrow Wilson to protect consumers, investors, and businesses from anti-competition or industry monopoly. Essentially this meant promoting competition and providing more opportunities for others to enter the market sector.

SOC 2 Compliance Requirements - All You Need To Know

If you’re a SaaS vendor in healthcare, finance, or any industry, the value of solid foolproof security cannot be overstated. The data generated by your business is always a prime target for malicious entities. Add to this, the healthy growth of your business also depends on good security. The current digital landscape necessitates invaluable attention to security for any business with an online presence.

Cloud Native Security: Strategies, 4 C's, and Astra Security

Cloud-native services are increasingly relied on for building and running applications rather than having on-premise data centers. This is because it is more economical in terms of security, maintenance, and capacity. Cloud-native security is an important consideration for users since the protection of the codes, applications, and customers’ data is heavily dependent on it.