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Understanding OWASP Top 10 Client-Side Risks

Websites rely heavily on client-side code to deliver interactive user experiences. Unlike server-side code, which is protected within an organization’s infrastructure, client-side code runs in the user’s browser and is exposed to various risks such as data theft and JS injection. Recognizing the unique challenges of securing client-side code, OWASP has created a dedicated Top 10 list for client-side security risks.

How Frequently Should We Run a Vulnerability Scan?

All it takes is a single unpatched vulnerability to breach security and gain access to a company’s mission-critical assets. Effective vulnerability management is essential for strong cybersecurity. Vulnerability scans play a key role in this process, offering a clear view of the entire IT infrastructure and identifying existing vulnerabilities. How many times should we run scans? Are we scanning often enough? These are the questions we often get.

Formjacking Attacks - How They Work and How to Prevent Them

Formjacking is a cyberattack where attackers inject malicious JavaScript code into webpages containing form fields, usually on login pages or payment forms. The objective is to steal sensitive information, such as credit card details, passwords, and other personal data, directly from users as they enter it into the compromised forms. Formjacking attack occurs entirely on the client side—within the user’s browser—making it particularly challenging to detect.

Magecart Attack - Techniques, Examples & Preventions

Magecart attacks are a form of digital skimming that targets insecure websites to steal payment information. These attacks involve injecting malicious JavaScript code into e-commerce websites to steal sensitive information such as credit card details during the checkout process. The term “Magecart” originates from the attackers’ initial focus on Magento, a popular e-commerce platform, though their methods have since expanded to target various other platforms.

8 Types of Cyberattacks a WAF is Designed to Stop

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) is your first line of defense against internet traffic that can be both legitimate and malicious. It helps protect your web applications, websites, and servers from various cyber-attacks by filtering out harmful traffic. WAF (WAAP) is essential for web security as it quickly identifies and addresses vulnerabilities in applications and servers.

CVE-2024-38856 -Apache OFBiz Pre-Auth RCE Vulnerability

A new zero-day vulnerability, CVE-2024-38856, has been discovered in the Apache OFBiz open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform, presenting a critical threat to businesses worldwide. This pre-authentication remote code execution (RCE) flaw allows unauthenticated attackers to exploit weaknesses in OFBiz’s request handling, leading to unauthorized access and potentially damaging control over affected systems.

CVE-2024-4879 & CVE-2024-5217 Exposed - The Risks of RCE in ServiceNow

Recent critical vulnerabilities in ServiceNow, a widely used cloud platform, have put numerous organizations at risk of data breaches. Threat actors are exploiting these input validation flaws, enabling remote code execution and unauthorized access. Despite recent fixes, government agencies, data centers, and private firms remain targeted. This blog highlights how these flaws are exploited for data theft and outlines security measures to mitigate these risks.

Hotjar's OAuth+XSS Flaw Exposes Millions at Risk of Account Takeover

A critical flaw in Hotjar that combines XSS with OAuth putting millions of websites at risk, exposing user data and risking account takeovers. Hotjar, a trusted product experience insights platform used by over a million websites, including global brands like Adobe and Microsoft, offers powerful behavior analytics and feedback tools. These include Heatmaps, Recordings, Surveys, and Feedback, which help product teams understand user behavior and improve user experience (UX).

Business Logic Vulnerability - Examples and Attack Prevention

Breaking into an organisation’s IT infra doesn’t always require complex methods. Hackers often exploit normal applications and API functions in unexpected ways to access sensitive data. For example, the 2019 Venmo breach involved the exploitation of an open API to scrape millions of payment records. A design oversight in the API allowed attackers to exploit its normal functions in an unintended manner—scraping payment records without proper authorization.

Indusface - Product Release & Rollout SOP

Business continuity is at the forefront of most systems and process design at Indusface. In a recent blog, we discussed how Indusface follows design-for-failure principles a powerful approach that enables us to deploy faster. In this blog, I will talk about the processes we have to ensure that our code and rule deployments do not cause widespread downtime to our protected assets.