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Understanding the Proposed FAR CUI Rule

DoD, GSA, and NASA recently published a proposed amendment to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): Controlled Unclassified Information (FAR Case 2017-016) or ‘FAR CUI Rule’. It presents critical updates on managing Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in federal contracts, aiming to create a uniform approach across government agencies for handling and protecting sensitive information while addressing gaps in current policies.

Understanding the Implications of the New Australian Cyber Security Act for Your Organisation

The newly passed Australian Cyber Security Act is part of the reform laid out in the 2023–2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy. The legislation aims to fill gaps in Australia’s overall cyber resilience and support the government’s ambition to become the most secure country globally.

9 Ways Data Vampires Are Bleeding Your Sensitive Information

Beware! Remote work and the variety of collaboration tools are making it easier than ever to access and share data, leaving sensitive information at risk from data vampires. Today, we share an old dark tale for you, but just as in Grimm’s fairy tales, the lessons are still frightfully relevant.

Ensuring Classified Data Doesn't End Up Public Using Data-centric Zero Trust

This week, the FBI announced it is investigating a classified data leak of U.S. intel on Israel’s plans to retaliate against Iran. The top-secret documents were exposed on the Telegram messaging app, and it’s unclear if it was a leak or hack. The investigation will center on the Defense Department’s National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which manages the country’s network of spy satellites and anyone with access to the classified document.

Understanding EAR Compliance Regulations: Tips for US and non-US Companies

Coauthored with Eva Galfi, CEO & Principal Consultant, International Trade Advisors Pty Ltd The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) implements and enforces the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to regulate the export, reexport and transfer (in-country) commercial and less sensitive military items. If you need to comply with or learn more about US export control requirements, read our 6 W’s EAR Compliance to help you comply with these strict U.S.

New archTIS Trusted Data Integration Solution for Structured Data

This week, during LandForces 2024 archTIS announced the launch of archTIS Trusted Data Integration, a new lightweight, fast, and agile solution for integrating, securing, and governing sensitive and classified structured data from multiple sources at scale and speed.

Creating a Secure Community of Interest (COI) for Defence & Industry Information Exchange

The secure exchange of information between the Government, Defence and the supply chain is critical to operational outcomes. A Community of Interest (COI) is often used to facilitate multi-party coordination and collaboration between these parties but is often difficult to implement. Let’s explore the use cases, challenges and tools for creating COIs for secure information exchange.

Understanding the Differences Between Fine-Grained vs Coarse-Grained Access Control

In the age of digital collaboration and cloud computing, access control is a critical security tool. It is crucial to ensure that only authorized users have access to the appropriate information in order to effectively manage security, adhere to privacy and industry regulations, and safeguard intellectual property (IP) for competitive advantage.

Defense Supply Chain Data Security

The defense supply chain is a complex network of partners that sell, manufacture, and distribute services or products to defense agencies worldwide. It is made up of both major corporations and smaller sub-suppliers. Each country has its own network of supply chain partners, including manufacturers, software, services and logistics providers that deliver products and services for military materiel applications.

Why Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Neither

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the buzzword du jour of not just tech, but the entire online world. We see it in the daily headlines of everything from industry stalwarts such as Wired (There’s an AI Candidate Running for Parliament in the UK) through the stiff-collared set at the Wall Street Journal (What the Apple-OpenAI Deal Means for Four Tech Titans). Everyone who is anyone is talking about it, training it, or trying leverage against it.