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Examples of Ransomware: 7 Cyber Security Trends To Fight Back

Cybersecurity threats continue to increase in sophistication and frequency. As a CIO, it is important to be aware of the latest trends and how to best protect your organization from these threats. Here are seven cybersecurity trends and ransomware attack examples that you should make sure to keep top of mind in 2022.

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How Your Business Can Benefit from Cyber Threat Intelligence

As a CIO, you know that your business faces cyber threats daily. While you may have robust security measures in place, it's impossible to protect your organization from every possible attack. That's where cyber threat intelligence comes in. By incorporating this valuable resource into your security strategy, you can dramatically reduce your risk of a breach.

Evolution of Cybersecurity: From Prevention to XDR and SOAR

Since the early days of computing, cybersecurity has been a top concern for businesses and organizations. Over the years, the nature of cybersecurity threats has changed dramatically, and so too must our approach to security. In this blog post, we'll take a look at the evolution of cybersecurity from prevention to XDR and SOAR. We'll also consider the implications of these changes for CIOs and business leaders alike.

Why CISOs Need to Care about Compliance Regulation in Cybersecurity

Compliance regulation is a necessary evil in the world of cybersecurity. As a CISO, you need to be aware of all compliance regulations that affect your organization so that you can ensure your security program meets these requirements while also protecting sensitive data.

What is Firewall Logging and Why is it Important?

Firewall logging is an important piece of your advanced security strategy. A firewall is a security system that helps protect your computer or network from unauthorized access. One important function of a firewall is to log information about each connection attempt, including who attempted to connect and when.

What is an IT Security Network vs. a Cyber Security Network?

The terms "IT security network" and "cyber security network" are often used interchangeably, but there is a big difference between the two. An IT security network is focused on protecting your organization's computer systems and data from unauthorized access, while a cyber security network is designed to protect your entire organization from cyber attacks, including those that target your physical infrastructure.