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How Netskope Can Help with Your 10 Critical Security Project - Nos. 5-6

The annual list of top security projects from Gartner provides key insights on where security leaders should focus their limited time and resources to be the most effective at protecting their data, users, and infrastructure. Netskope provides value for each of the top 10 recommended security projects for this year and next, including many critical capabilities. This blog series will highlight each Gartner recommendation and how Netskope specifically can help.

How Netskope Can Help with Your 10 Critical Security Project - Nos. 3-4

The annual list of top security projects from Gartner provides key insights on where security leaders should focus their limited time and resources to be the most effective at protecting their data, users, and infrastructure. Netskope provides value for each of the top 10 recommended security projects for this year and next, including many critical capabilities. This blog series will highlight each Gartner recommendation and how Netskope specifically can help.

How Netskope Can Help with Your 10 Critical Security Projects - Nos. 1-2

The annual list of top security projects from Gartner provides key insights on where security leaders should focus their limited time and resources to be the most effective at protecting their data, users, and infrastructure. Netskope provides value for each of the top 10 recommended security projects for this year and next, including many critical capabilities. This blog series will highlight each Gartner recommendation and how Netskope specifically can help.

Helpful Answers to Your SASE-est Questions

If you joined us for Netskope’s SASE Week, you’ll know that we covered quite a bit of ground with our talks and programming. For a relatively new concept, there’s still so much potential to explore and discuss that we could probably talk about it for much longer than just a week. Netskope customers, large and small, are seeing the cost and business benefits of moving to a cloud-native control point, with the security posture and risk management tools they need.

Netskope Threat Coverage: SUNBURST & FireEye Red Team (Offensive Security) Tools

On Dec 8, 2020, the cybersecurity company FireEye reported that there had been a cyber attack on their systems. As part of this attack, their inventory of Red Team tools was stolen. These tools could potentially be used by a threat actor against unsuspecting victims. On Dec 13, 2020, after further investigation of this attack, FireEye reported that the initial vector came through SolarWinds, an upstream vendor, as a malicious trojanized update of SolarWinds’ Orion IT platform.

A New Vision for Secure Web Gateways

In the recently released 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateways (SWG) report, Netskope was recognized as a visionary, entering a decades-old legacy security solution area first defined by proxy cache appliances. Times have changed since human rating labs, regional web filtering lists, the use of ICAP for threat and data protection of files, web object caching, bandwidth management, and scripting policies to filter out undesired web objects.

Tighten Up Your Strategy: Evaluating the Leakiness of a Cloud App

We at Netskope Threat Labs have published a series of blogs detailing the misconfigurations in cloud apps causing data exposure. Misconfiguration and sensitive data exposure have been listed as predominant top 10 OWASP security risks for years, and are now also the predominant cause of cloud data breaches.

Building Proficiencies to Discuss Security with the Board

Today, cybersecurity, risk, and data protection are issues that are on upper management’s radar. Seeking to minimize the potential for business disruption, board members are getting more involved with the organization’s security program. Recent surveys indicate that 65% of companies are recruiting board members who are knowledgeable about security issues.

Keeping Your Data Safe in the "Gig Economy"

As workforces continue to evolve and adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, the door is open for organizations to hire workers from anywhere around the country to offer their skills remotely as needed, often as a freelancer or gig worker. While this outgrowth of the burgeoning gig economy stands to benefit many businesses in need, it’s important that you assess your risk of utilizing gig workers and freelancers.