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What Is Social Engineering with Email?

Understanding Social Engineering Social engineering is a psychological manipulation technique used by cybercriminals to deceive individuals into divulging confidential information, performing specific actions, or making financial transactions. These attacks prey on human psychology rather than exploiting technical vulnerabilities. Social engineering attacks can take various forms, and email is a common vector for such schemes.

The Importance of Email Archiving

One of the primary reasons for email archiving is legal compliance. Many industries and organizations are subject to various regulations and laws that require them to retain certain types of electronic communication, including emails. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in severe penalties, fines, and legal consequences. By implementing email archiving, you ensure that your organization is well-prepared to meet these requirements. Litigation Support.

Email Should Be Your No. 1 Security Priority

Gateway to Sensitive Information Email serves as a gateway to a treasure trove of sensitive information. It is where individuals and organizations share confidential documents, financial data, personal details, and much more. In the wrong hands, this information can be exploited for financial gain, identity theft, or even corporate espionage. Protecting this valuable data is paramount, and email is the first line of defense. Pervasive Attack Vector.

Ethical Phishing: Testing Your Employees

The Rationale Behind Ethical Phishing Simulation Phishing attacks continue to be a primary vector for cybercriminals seeking unauthorized access to a company’s systems and data. These attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it crucial for organizations to educate their workforce about the dangers they pose. Ethical phishing tests are designed to mimic real-world phishing scenarios.

What are AI Phishing Attacks?

What are AI Phishing Attacks? AI phishing attacks, also known as AI-powered phishing or AI-driven phishing, are sophisticated cyberattacks that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to craft and execute highly convincing phishing attempts. These attacks are designed to deceive individuals or employees into divulging sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial details, or personal data. How Do AI Phishing Attacks Work?

Why is Security Awareness Training Needed?

Security Awareness Training is essential for several reasons: 1. **Human Error**: Many security breaches occur due to human error. Employees may inadvertently click on malicious links, download malware, or share sensitive information with unauthorized individuals. Security awareness training helps employees recognize potential threats and avoid common mistakes. 2.

The Evolution of Email Security

The Evolution of Email Security: A Look into the Future with Spambrella The Changing Face of Email Threats Email threats have come a long way from the early days of spam and basic phishing attempts. Today, cybercriminals employ increasingly sophisticated tactics to compromise email systems, including: The Role of Spambrella Spambrella has been at the forefront of email security for years, constantly evolving to counteract these threats.

Email Security: How Spambrella Stays Ahead

The Evolving Landscape of Email Security: How Spambrella Stays Ahead The Constant Threat of Email Attacks Email-based attacks have become increasingly sophisticated over the years. From phishing and spear-phishing to ransomware and business email compromise (BEC) scams, cybercriminals are constantly inventing new tactics to infiltrate your inbox and compromise your data.

TA569: SocGholish and Beyond

TA569 is a prolific threat actor primarily known for its deployment of website injections leading to a JavaScript payload known as SocGholish. In the past few months, Proofpoint researchers have observed changes in the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) employed by TA569. Changes include an increase in the number of injection varieties, as well as payloads deviating from the standard SocGholish “Fake Update” JavaScript packages.