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Red Teaming - The Fundamentals 1.2

In part one we discussed what a Red Team Assessment is, but how does a Red Team Assessment differ from a Penetration Test? With a Red Team Assessment, we’re testing the whole company, essentially how it fares up to a worst-case scenario attack, whether that’s by a competitive company engaging in corporate espionage hell-bent on disrupting business, or harvesting data, or a criminal organisation breaking in and stealing physical equipment or damaging key infrastructure.

Red Team Assessments - The Fundamentals 1.1

We’re in an age where information is king, misinformation is rife and mass data breaches are commonplace in the mainstream media. Ensuring the security of your organisation’s data, infrastructure and people is paramount and choosing the right service to secure those things is just as important. At Pentest People, we are now delighted to offer our new Red Team Assessment service to our customers. But what is a Red Team Assessment and how does it differ from a Penetration Test?

Tales from a Social Engineer - Romance Scams

Internet dating is a great thing. No longer are you reliant on bumping into that future special someone in a bar, at the workplace, or in the local coffee shop. As humans, our world has never been so connected, our reach so vast and now even finding love the same is true. Firstly, let’s just start by accepting internet dating is a thing and has been a thing before the world went into various states of lockdown, it has been around pretty much since the widespread use of the internet itself.