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Cyber Insurance: New Coverage Restrictions Expected in 2022

Get ready for upcoming changes to cyber insurance policies. Due to risk associated with the increase in remote work, insurers are more likely to initiate in-depth cybersecurity risk analyses of companies seeking to purchase or renew policies, the Wall Street Journal reports. The adoption of stringent privacy regulations in the United States and abroad could also justify additional scrutiny by insurance companies during the initial underwriting and renewal process.

How Arctic Wolf Improves Security for Financial Institutions

While data breaches are never good news for any business, they can be especially catastrophic in the financial industry. The sheer amount of sensitive personal data that moves through the average banking institution on a normal day creates a seductive target for cybercriminals and a potential nightmare for security administrators. As a result, finding the right cybersecurity solution that can be tailored to the needs of financial institutions a must.

Introducing The Complete Security Awareness Plan and Strategy Guide

Arctic Wolf security awareness program experts—who created security awareness programs for Disney, Sony, as well as our Managed Security Awareness solution—recently produced The Complete Security Awareness Plan and Strategy Guide to help you evaluate and elevate your own security awareness program.

The Top Cyber Attacks of October 2021

October marked a dubious milestone for cybersecurity. A report from the Identity Theft Research Center confirmed that the number of cyber attacks reported through the first nine months of the year exceeded the total recorded for the entirety of 2020. And not by a small margin either—attacks are up 17% in 2021 compared to last year. Clearly, hackers have been busy, as have the cybersecurity experts tasked with mitigating the damage.

Arctic Wolf Continues on Explosive Growth Trajectory

This week marks our mid-year kick-off. It’s our all-company meeting that, like Arctic Wolf, gets bigger each year with hundreds of new team members joining us from around the world—many for the first time. With so much new hiring (we’re on pace to nearly double ourselves, again), I’m continually reminded of our Wolf Pack’s talent, dedication, and drive for success, and I’m proud to work alongside these professionals daily.

Understanding The 2021 Gartner Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response Services

We believe, a Market Guide defines a market and explains what clients can expect it to do in the short term. With the focus on early, more chaotic markets, a Market Guide does not rate or position vendors within the market, but rather more commonly outlines attributes of representative vendors that are providing offerings in the market to give further insight into the market itself. We feel the Gartner Market Guide helps organizations learn about the below.

XDR: Demystifying the Hottest Cybersecurity Buzzword

Extended detection and response (XDR) has transpired into a market description that, in my not so humble opinion, proves to be as troublesome as the phrases “next gen” or “machine learning” were from 2016 to 2020. I’ll quote myself from a popular blog post from my time at Gartner: Naming aside, the one thing that all InfoSec commentators agree on is that XDR is an evolution of the endpoint-centric approach pioneered by legacy security vendors.

Five Pillars of a Powerful Security Awareness Program

It seems that we might be getting to the tipping point in the corporate world where most organizations and businesses recognize they’re exposed to an increasing amount of cybersecurity risk. And with bad guys devoting a large portion of their strategy to targeting employees, the need for effectively training employees is intensifying. But before you begin to evaluate or build a program you need to first define and cement what it is you are looking to accomplish with your program.
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XDR marketing is fueling the cybersecurity problem for businesses

If there is one positive we can take from the last sixteen months, it is businesses embracing a more flexible working culture for their employees. Fundamental changes to the traditional nine-to-five working day means that many companies, in part, have already successfully transformed some of their operations to meet the demands of a new hybrid working world that is now very much the norm.

Arctic Wolf Survey Unveils Where Firms Now Stand on Cyber Insurance

This August we commissioned a survey of over 1,400 senior IT decision-makers and business executives in the US, UK, and Canada. Our initial publication of the findings dug deep into their thoughts and attitudes on many issues, including nation-state attacks and hybrid work. In addition, however, our survey featured several questions on cyber insurance. So in this article, we’ll provide the cyber insurance insights shared by the survey respondents.