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Due Care vs. Due Diligence: What's the Difference?

Cybersecurity is more than “just” technology these days. With legislative bodies increasingly writing more laws, technology and legal terminologies have become more intertwined than ever before. As organizations build cyber risk strategies, they need to understand risk mitigation’s underlying goal. This is why understanding the difference between due care and due diligence is important to how you set your risk mitigation strategies.

What to Know About SecurityScorecard's Integrate360° Marketplace

The old saying “it takes a village” applies to many things in life, including securing your organization. Security is a team sport that requires a variety of solutions and providers — such as a firewall, endpoint protection, security information and event management (SIEM), threat intelligence provider, IT service management (ITSM), governance, risk, and compliance solution (GRC), and cloud access security broker (CASB) — to name a few.

57 Cybersecurity Terms You Should Know in 2021

Cybersecurity can seem intimidating, especially when you’re not already familiar with security and IT. There are so many threats and a lot of terms you need to know in order to understand the countermeasures that can help keep your data safe from attackers. What is an attack surface, after all? And what’s a rootkit? Non-technical employees and decision-makers might find their eyes glazing over when cybersecurity terms start getting thrown around.

JBS Ransomware Attack Started in March and Much Larger in Scope than Previously Identified

SecurityScorecard also found that 1 in 5 of the world’s food processing, production, and distribution companies rated have a known vulnerability in their exposed Internet assets

What Is a Cybersecurity Audit and Why Does it Matter?

As organizations embrace new digital technologies, the risk of cybersecurity threats is growing steadily. Digital transformation is increasing network complexity, which often creates security weaknesses and potential entry points for cyber adversaries to exploit. If left unaddressed, these cyber risks can disrupt business processes and harm goals. Therefore, effective cybersecurity policies and programs have become essential. A critical element of these programs is conducting regular cybersecurity audits.