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How Healthcare Can Combat Cybercrimes? | Appknox

One of the most crucial things for the healthcare sector during the ongoing global pandemic, amidst many other competing priorities, is keeping a check on its cybersecurity measures. During the first half of 2020, HHS or the Department of Health and Human Services recorded a 50% increase in cybersecurity breaches in the field of healthcare itself.

iOS App Security: 6 Ways How Apple Protects the User's Data

Apple loves bragging about how secure their devices are. Not without reason: there are lots of security features you probably use daily, including code autofill, password reuse auditing, Safari built-in privacy, and many more. Same for developers. For example, Apple doesn't release their source code to app developers for security reasons. And the owners of iOS devices can't modify the code on their phones themselves.

Everything You Need to Know About Web Socket Pentesting

WebSockets is a bi-directional, full-duplex communications protocol initiated over HTTP. They are commonly used in modern web applications for streaming data, Chat applications, and other asynchronous traffic. It is a protocol where the client and server can send the messages simultaneously over the channel.

What's the Difference Between Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning?

Is your network secure from outside attacks? What steps is your organization taking to keep its intellectual property and client data safe? Penetration and vulnerability scanning are two tools that can help identify gaps in your network security. In this article, we’ll look at how you can use these tools to evaluate your companies risk factors and whether penetration testing or vulnerability scanning is the right solution for you.

Appknox Year in Review 2020

The year 2020 began with so many promises for team Appknox. We had just ended 2020 on a high note with substantial growth in revenue, customer acquisition and regional expansion. As we looked forward charged up to blaze past 2020, the world was shocked and humbled with the sudden COVID-19 pandemic. Just like all other companies globally, Appknox was faced with tremendous pressure to act, think and evolve quickly.