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What are the Benefits of a Security Risk Assessment?

Being an important part of cyber security practices, security risk assessment protects your organization from intruders, attackers and cyber criminals. In this article, we will discuss what it is and what benefits it offers. A significant portion of our business processes heavily rely on the Internet technologies. That is why cyber security is a very important practice for all organizations. Making up a crucial part of cyber security, security risk assessment is a topic that must not be overlooked.

Cybersecurity for small business supply chain management

Small businesses are significant contributors to the economy. According to the U.S. Small Administration, they generate approximately 44% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the U.S. However, small to medium enterprises (SMEs) are also frequently more vulnerable to the threats of our contemporary digital landscape.

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Tools You Can Rely on Year-round

Traditional cybersecurity risk management remediation efforts start with cybersecurity risk assessments and penetration testing. This commonly involved outsourcing to a consultant who would offer the assessment as a standalone service or as part of a larger risk management program. The issue is cyber risk assessments offered by third-parties only provide a point-in-time assessment of your (or your vendor's) security controls, an inaccurate measure of the true level of risk.

How Rust Lets Us Monitor 30k API calls/min

At Bearer, we are a polyglot engineering team. Both in spoken languages and programming languages. Our stack is made up of services written in Node.js, Ruby, Elixir, and a handful of others in addition to all the languages our agent library supports. Like most teams, we balance using the right tool for the job with using the right tool for the time. Recently, we reached a limitation in one of our services that led us to transition that service from Node.js to Rust.

Two-Years Later: The Current State of GDPR & its Impact on Businesses

In April 2016, European legislators passed the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and announced that it would become enforceable in May 2018. With less than 24 months to get their acts together and avoid hefty fines, organizations scrambled to prepare for compliance. Data breaches have unfortunately become the norm over recent years, and the legislation was formed to better regulate and hold these companies accountable for protecting individual privacy rights.

Orchestration and Automation Helps Defense, Intelligence Personnel Tackle Higher-Level Tasks

What if you could get your hands on a force multiplier that got rid of the repetitive, routine work that was tying down your team, got more productivity out of your assembled work force, and gave everyone a more challenging, meaningful to-do list that made better use of their knowledge, experience, and passion?

Cybersecurity in education: Securing schools as they transition to online learning

Whether they were prepared for it or not, schools around the world have been forced to adopt an online learning model for students thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the biggest concerns educators need to have in this situation is exactly how to create a fully secure remote learning environment in order to keep sensitive information for both the schools and individual students safe from hackers.

9 Ways to Prevent Third-Party Data Breaches

The increasing number of third-party data breaches and the sensitive information they expose have negatively impacted consumer trust. Third-party breaches occur when sensitive data is stolen from a third-party vendor or when their systems are used to access and steal sensitive information stored on your systems. In today's interconnected economy, companies rely on third-parties.

What is P3P Policy and How Does it Work?

Simply put, P3P helps websites to inform their visitors regarding their privacy practices in a standard format. In this article, we will explain what P3P policy includes and how it is useful for your organization. As of today, we all use the internet technologies on a daily basis. We read news, view pictures, acquire information, connect with our loved ones, conduct our business processes, do shopping and much more on the internet. For all these purposes, we visit websites.