Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2022

What does XDR mean for your organization?

As one of the hottest new buzzwords in the infosec space, XDR means many things to many people. This talk will discuss all of the possible components of an XDR solution through the lens of SOC operations, laying out the pros and cons of various approaches such as SaaS vs on-premise, specialized vs general tooling, etc. for organizations of different size, funding, and maturity levels. Best practice suggestions will be provided throughout, from general principles to specific integration code.

XDR best of breed, and how an open architecture will get you there

The security landscape is continually changing and the race to stay ahead is often one of both victory and failure. As organizations globally continue to expand, security professionals are struggling to update operations quickly enough to ensure effective monitoring and response to incidents in their environment. The lack of security professionals makes this even more challenging. Patching systems, scanning for vulnerabilities, protecting against malware and viruses are essential and just plain smart.

Network Evidence For XDR

XDR - Extended detection and response - promises to integrate data from any source to stop today's sophisticated and often automated attacks. The key is: Which source? Register for this exclusive session for insights on why network evidence must be a key part of your XDR strategy. Topics to be discussed include how to: Walk away with new ideas on how to stay ahead of ever-changing attacks by using a data-first strategy for detection and response.

Security Doesn't Stop at the First Alert: Falcon X Threat Intelligence Offers New Context in MITRE ATT&CK Evaluation

CrowdStrike recently demonstrated the power of the Falcon platform and its integrated approach to providing robust protection by exposing all attack tactics used as part of the MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Enterprise Evaluation released in April 2022. The evaluation focused on emulating two of today’s most sophisticated Russian-based threat groups: WIZARD SPIDER and VOODOO BEAR (Sandworm Team).

Falcon Platform Identity Protection Shuts Down MITRE ATT&CK Adversaries

The weeks following the release of the MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Evaluation can be confusing when trying to interpret the results and cut through the noise. But one thing is crystal clear in this year’s evaluation that every organization should know: The CrowdStrike Falcon® platform stands alone in delivering native identity protection capabilities that shut down adversaries and stop the breach before it even starts.

CrowdStrike "Dominates" in Endpoint Detection and Response

We are excited that Forrester has named CrowdStrike a “Leader” in The Forrester Wave™: Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) Providers, Q2 2022 and recognized us as dominating in EDR while building our future in extended detection and response (XDR) and Zero Trust. We believe that to be a leader in XDR, you must first be a leader in EDR, which is why we are well-positioned to drive innovation and lead the XDR market forward.