Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2024

Cybersecurity Awareness: Protecting Your Profile from Online Threats

Have you ever considered how vulnerable your online profile might be to cyber threats? A study by the University of Maryland showed that hackers attack at least every 39 seconds. From the moment you log into your social media accounts to the instant you make an online purchase, you're constantly at risk of falling victim to cyberattacks. The big question is: is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Hunt of the Month: Detecting AsyncRAT Malware Over HTTPS

Malware often hides communications with its command and control (C2) server over HTTPS. The encryption in HTTPS usually conceals the compromise long enough for the malware to accomplish its goal. This makes detecting malware that uses HTTPS challenging, but once in a while, you will catch a break, as in the case here with AsyncRAT, a Windows remote access tool that has been deployed over the past year to target organizations that manage critical infrastructure in the United States.

Detect and stop unauthorized cryptomining in your cloud workloads with Datadog CSM Threats

Cloud environments are susceptible to a wide variety of cyberattacks, making them difficult to secure. Some cyberattacks are easier to detect than others, so a priority in cloud security is having adequate detection and response systems in place to mitigate them. Unauthorized cryptomining has become a prevalent threat in recent years, especially in cloud environments where it can be harder to detect.

A10 Defend Threat Control: DDoS Defense Reimagined

An addition to the A10 Defend suite has arrived. A10 Defend Threat Control, a necessary and proactive DDoS intelligence SaaS platform, is here to establish and amplify your holistic DDoS defense system. Backed by A10’s proprietary “zero-atrophy” data gathering and validation method, Threat Control provides actionable insights and proactively establishes a first layer of defense for your DDoS protection needs.

Federated Learning for Cybersecurity: Collaborative Intelligence for Threat Detection

The demand for innovative threat detection and intelligence approaches is more pressing than ever. One such paradigm-shifting technology gaining prominence is Federated Learning (FL). This emerging concept harnesses the power of collaborative intelligence, allowing disparate entities to pool their insights without compromising sensitive data.

Creating Actionable Threat Intelligence for Threat Hunters

Ask any security leader and they’ll tell you actionable threat intelligence is the cornerstone of a successful, threat-informed security operations center (SOC). However, to be of any real value to the team, threat intelligence needs to be relevant, timely, and supportive of next steps for the teams that utilize it.

Focus Terrapin patching efforts with Zeek

In this blog, we will demonstrate how Zeek’s metadata approach can help focus patching efforts related to the recent SSH “Terrapin” attack. One of the interesting aspects to bear in mind as you read this is that Zeek provides visibility of the vulnerable elements of this encrypted protocol, and thus serves as a reminder that network monitoring is still very much relevant, even in a heavily encrypted world.

Hunting Exploitation of SmartScreen and Streaming Service CVEs | Threat SnapShot

Let's face it - if patch management was a silver bullet then we wouldn't need vulnerability management, and threat actors know this. Vulnerabilities get picked up by threat actors and exploited as 1-days. In this week's Threat SnapShot, we'll look at a few recent Windows vulnerabilities that have been added to the CISA Known Exploited Vulnerability catalog and are actively used by threat actors like Water Hydra and Raspberry Robin. The first, a SmartScreen bypass (CVE-2023-36025 and CVE-2024-21412), allows code execution through crafted short links.

Including Digital Risk Protection in Your Threat Detection and Response Strategy

Many organizations focus on addressing the risks within their internal attack surface while overlooking the potential threats created by their external digital footprint on the surface, deep and dark web. This article outlines how companies can significantly mitigate this risk by combining digital risk protection with their detection and response approach.

The Reality of EDR Costs

With EDR, like other security tool types, effective performance always comes at a cost. Even if you use an EDR tool that is open source or free, your organisation will still need to invest time to configure, maintain and operate it on an ongoing basis. Sometimes, as we explain in this blog, these costs can dwarf the initial spend in getting an EDR licence in the first place. But, paying high EDR costs is not the only way to get EDR capabilities.

Dual Defenses: 9 Reasons Why Open NDR Is Essential Alongside NGFW

Securing a network against the myriad of evolving cyber threats requires more than just a robust firewall or endpoint protection platform; it demands a multifaceted approach. Corelight’s Open Network Detection and Response (NDR) Platform complements and significantly enhances the effectiveness of next-generation firewalls (NGFWs). Here are 9 reasons why adding Corelight to your cybersecurity arsenal, alongside existing NGFWs, is not just an upgrade but a strategic necessity.