Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2023

How Corelight Transforms Data Security with Normalyze

When organizations need to know not only what type of malicious activity potentially occurred within their networks and clouds but also gather the remnants of that activity as evidence — they turn to Corelight. Corelight's customers include Fortune 500 companies, major government agencies, and large research universities. Based in San Francisco, this open-core security company was founded by the creators of the widely-used network security technology, Zeek.

Expand visibility around authentication and application anomalies with Corelight's new LDAP analyzer

Comprehensive visibility into network protocols is a hallmark of Zeek (and therefore Corelight) data. That's why we are very happy to announce that with our v27.2 release we are supporting a new analyzer for the LDAP protocol. You likely know LDAP as a workhorse for carrying directory information across the network. While it's an open standard, it's most often seen as part of several server implementations, especially Microsoft's Active Directory, OpenLDAP, and others.

How to Streamline Security Operations With Identity Security Intelligence

“Black Swan” author Nicholas Nassim Taleb once wrote that “intelligence consists in ignoring things that are irrelevant (avoiding false patterns).” Organizations must take this definition to heart as they incorporate Identity Security intelligence – an essential element of any Zero Trust cybersecurity strategy. Many organizations have dedicated Security Operations Center (SOC) teams responsible for their threat detection, investigation and response efforts.

And The Award Goes To...

Since 2009 we have been innovating and creating the best and most innovative cybersecurity technologies for our customers. This hard work pays off every day when we talk with our customers and others in the industry, about the strength of their security posture with CleanINTERNET®. We also appreciate when our company and technology is validated by third parties.