Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2023

Corelight Investigator introduces new Machine Learning Models

Corelight Investigator furthers its commitment to delivering next-level analytics through the expansion of its machine learning models. Security teams are now enabled with additional supervised and deep learning models, including: We continue to provide complete transparency behind our evidence -- showing the logic behind our machine learning models and detections, allowing analysts to quickly and easily validate the alerts.

Nightfall Enables Advanced Secret Detection with Enhanced Machine Learning API Key Detector

Compromised secrets and credentials are the most common cause of data breaches and are often left unmanaged. In the past year alone, we’ve seen sustained growth in supply chain attacks and security incidents impacting the security of secrets stored in code repos or unknowingly shared within SaaS applications. Because of this, there is a compelling need for reliable, accurate, and actionable secrets detection for modern organizations.

Corelight for the everywhere cloud

Editor's note: This is the first in five-part series authored by Ed Amoroso, founder and CEO of TAG Cyber, which will focuses on how the Corelight platform reduces network security risks to the so-called Everywhere Cloud (EC). Such security protection addresses threats to devices and assets on any type of network, including both perimeter and zero-trust based.

Is Network Evidence Really Needed for Security Operations?

Networks are the transport fabric for all IT however in the modern world they have become harder to access and monitor. Attackers inevitably leave traces on the network, and for this reason defenders understand the value of high-quality network evidence. But given the rise of encryption, digital transformation, Zero Trust architectures, and SASE… is it even feasible to collect network evidence anymore? Maybe we should throw in the towel and do without it?

How an Intrusion Detection System Can Save Your Business

The world of cybersecurity is extremely diligent. In a terrain that is ever-evolving, security experts need to combat a growing population of threat actors by deploying increasingly cultivated tools and techniques. Today, with enterprises functioning in an atmosphere that is more challenging than ever, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) play a vital role. As threats become more critical across the board, an Intrusion Detection System can save your business.