Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2020

A Journey of Elastic SIEM: Getting Started through Threat Analysis Part 1

Calling all security enthusiasts! Many of us are now facing similar challenges working from home. Introduced in 7.2, Elastic SIEM is a great way to provide security analytics and monitoring capabilities to small businesses and homes with limited time and resources. In this three-part meetup series we will take you on a journey from zero to hero, getting started with the Elastic SIEM to becoming a threat hunter.

5 Important Points of SIEM Evaluation Checklist

Over the past couple of years, the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution has been recognized as an effective tool in the Security Operation Center (SOC) of organizations. Whether it comes to managing the multiple tools or meeting the compliance standards, SIEM has always been playing its crucial role. However, since there is a multitude of SIEM solutions available in the IT market today, selecting the right one is an extremely important but difficult task for enterprises.

Generating MITRE ATT&CK® signals in Elastic SIEM: Sysmon data

Many mature security teams look to the MITRE ATT&CK® matrix to help improve their understanding of attacker tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) and to better understand their own capabilities relative to these common adversarial approaches. With the release of Elastic Security 7.6, Elastic SIEM saw 92 detection rules for threat hunting and security analytics aligned to ATT&CK.