Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2024

Integrating SASE and NDR: Building a Robust Security Framework

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is a holistic security model that integrates both networking and security functions into a single, cloud-native architecture. SASE security combines secure network access, SASE cloud security and zero-trust technologies to create a unified approach to protecting the enterprise networks of today. SASE can be extremely useful especially for organizations adopting digital transformation and remote work. Some of the SASE benefits are.

Why SASE vs SSE misses the point for IT leaders

As high-profile breaches dominate headlines and decimate share prices, demonstrating your ability to protect client data has become the latest IT imperative getting boardroom attention, along with a host of new analyst and vendor-created labels for the ‘perfect’ solution. We want to help those who are short on time and resources cut through the bewildering landscape of buzzwords and gold standards by offering some practical, vendor-agnostic advice on where best to start and how to get the biggest wins in reducing their firms' exposure to risk.

The Top 4 Industry 4.0 Challenges and How SASE Helps Manufacturers Overcome Them

Industry 4.0 is bringing technological and innovative advantages to the manufacturing industry. AI, IoT, and RPA, for example, are transforming and streamlining the design, production and distribution of products. But these advancements also bring new challenges for manufacturers. This blog post highlights four of the most prominent ones—based on real experiences from Cato’s manufacturing customers—and how SASE helps tackle them head-on.