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July 2024

How SASE Ensures Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Companies Thrive

Healthcare and pharma companies are at the forefront of our most important need as humans: saving lives. To succeed, they require highly skilled staff members, medical equipment, drugs and resources. On top of these, there is another equally crucial component that will determine their ability to perform their jobs: their network. A secure, reliable and high performing network will ensure patient safety, data integrity and operational efficiency.

The Whole is Bigger Than the Sum of its Parts. The Channel Experience

“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.” The road to becoming a trusted partner to your customers has no shortcuts. As you review your portfolio, filled with various network and IT security solutions you’ve accumulated over the years, you believe each fulfills the needs of your customers. Each solution represents significant investments in resources and efforts to stay competitive and succeed.

The Divine SASE Touch

The Paris Olympics are coming up, arousing excitement and anticipation around the globe. As the world’s greatest athletes prepare to compete on this renowned stage, let’s shift our focus to a few of the earliest Olympics competitors – the Greek Gods. These deities, myth says, competed in the ancient Olympics, and later on, the Games were held in their honor. To this day, the Olympics are a global festival of what the Gods symbolized – strength, resilience and elegance.

SASE: Your Secret Weapon to Mastering DORA Compliance

A lot has happened since the 2008 financial crisis and credit crunch, including a significant increase in cloud app adoption in financial services and a rise in cyber attacks targeting those apps. To keep the financial sector safe and secure, the EU introduced new rules. Initially, these regulations focused on ensuring banks had enough capital to handle financial problems. However, as cyberattacks became a bigger threat, the EU recognised the need for additional measures.

Savvy Security: Unpacking key SASE vendor selection criteria

Many companies are stepping up their security measures to protect against cyber risks associated with the increasing use of cloud services and remote work. As a result, the global deployment of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is on the rise. According to the 2024 Gartner CIO and Technology Executive Survey, 39% of respondents have already deployed SASE or plan to do so within the next 24 months.

Fortressing the Legal Frontier: Why SASE is Essential for Law Firms in the Age of Cyber Warfare

Guest blog by Jaye Tillson, Field CTO, Distinguished Technologist, HPE Aruba Networking The legal profession has long been a custodian for a significant of sensitive data. From mergers and acquisitions to intellectual property disputes, law firms hold the keys to a kingdom of confidential client information. However, in the digital age, this crown jewel has become a prime target for cybercriminals.

I Need 90 PoPs of SASE...Stat!

Healthcare information security teams are tasked with a common responsibility: safeguarding devices, services, and patient data; however, they also deal with the unique regulatory and compliance requirements surrounding patient data. Compounding this challenge is the sheer number of branch offices, connectivity to internal- and cloud-based applications, and all of the disparate point products accumulated over time.

Cato Networks recognized as a Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Single-Vendor SASE Report

SASE is all about strategically solving business problems. The systematic removal of technology barriers standing in the way of business outcomes. It is a brand new “how” (platform) for a well-known “what” (features). When we started Cato in 2015, we were immersed in skepticism. Can you actually build a cloud network that will replace MPLS circuits with decades of proven reliability?

Friedemann Kurz reacts to Cato's latest SASE video

We put Friedemann Kurz, Head of IT Porsche Motorsport, in the hot seat! From securing high-speed data to celebrating victories, he reveals it all while watching our newest video with the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team. Catch his reactions and insights on why network security is crucial for reaching the podium. Let’s connect.

Cato Survey: Remote Access Issues and Need for Increased Visibility Continue to Drive SASE in 2024

2024 is expected to be another year of strong growth in the SASE market. Dell’Oro Group predicts the SASE market will surpass $10 billion by the end of the year “representing more than a doubling of the total market in three years,” according to Mauricio Sanchez, Senior Research Director of Dell’Oro Group. Gartner expects the market for SASE to reach $25 billion by 2027. What’s driving this trend?