Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2022

NAA Creating Dashboard Filters

Netskope, a global cybersecurity leader, is redefining cloud, data, and network security to help organizations apply Zero Trust principles to protect data. The Netskope Intelligent Security Service Edge (SSE) platform is fast, easy to use, and secures people, devices, and data anywhere they go. Netskope helps customers reduce risk, accelerate performance, and get unrivaled visibility into any cloud, web, and private application activity. Thousands of customers, including more than 25 of the Fortune 100, trust Netskope and its powerful NewEdge network to address evolving threats, new risks, technology shifts, organizational and network changes, and new regulatory requirements.

Highlighting New Advanced Security Capabilities for Netskope Cloud Firewall

One of the benefits of a secure access service edge (SASE) framework is that organizations can dramatically simplify the implementation of security services without having to go through constant network redesigns and appliance operating system updates.

How Netskope Intelligent SSE and Aruba Secure SD-WAN Integrate for SASE Success

At Netskope, our primary focus in the marketplace is to help customers protect their data. More and more data exists outside the traditional enterprise perimeter and is growing at an ever-rapid pace. More than 80% of users are using personal apps and instances from managed devices, and of those applications being accessed, roughly half would be given a “Poor” risk rating by the Netskope Cloud Confidence Index.