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October 2024

Pentesting to a Domain Online: A Comprehensive Guide for Security Professionals

Protecting web sites is more important than ever in today's quickly changing digital world. As the number of cyberattacks keeps going up, pentesting to a domain online site is an important way to find and fix holes that attackers could use easily. Pentesting, also called penetration testing, is the process of simulating cyberattacks on a web site to find security holes. This lets companies fix these holes before they can be used in real attacks.

NIS2 is Here: Frequent Penetration Testing is the New Standard

With sophisticated cyberattacks getting more frequent every day, and regulations around data privacy tightening, businesses across Europe are facing a big challenge: How do you keep your network safe, stay ahead of threats and make sure you're compliant with the latest regulations? Enter the NIS2 Directive — a step up for cybersecurity that demands organizations be ready to face any cyber storm that comes their way.

Best Penetration Testing Tools for Enterprises

Penetration testing tools are necessary for enterprises that want to protect their applications from real-world cyber attacks. These tools identify vulnerabilities that could lead to breaches, like the 2017 Equifax data breach. These specialized tools help identify gaps in software security posture by simulating real-world attacks that vulnerability assessments may not fully expose.

Penetration Test Point of Contact: Ensuring Effective Security Coordination

In today's complicated digital world, cyber threats are always coming at companies. Organizations need to do regular penetration testing to find security holes and evaluate their security stance in order to protect their valuable assets and keep their operations running smoothly. Having a named penetration test point of contact (PTPOC) is a key part of any penetration test that goes well.

CIS Control 18 Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is something that more companies and organizations should be considering as a necessary expense. I say this because, over the years, the cost of data breaches and other forms of malicious intrusions and disruptions are getting costlier. Per IBM Security’s “Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024,” the average cost of a breach has increased 10% year over year, with the healthcare sector having the highest cost breaches for 14 consecutive years.