Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2020

Find the Correct MSSP or Build an Efficient SOC? (Part 2)

Many organizations don’t rely on outsourced security solutions such as MSSP. Rather, they prefer building their own SOC to combat nefarious cybersecurity threats and attacks. However, it is vital to know how an effective SOC is built and what should be its essential security ingredients.

Find the Correct MSSP or Build an Efficient SOC? (Part 1)

Whether you are a CIO or chief executive of your company, the headlines of cybersecurity threats and attacks might be worrisome for you. There is always a question about how to ensure the cybersecurity of the organization to avoid financial, compliance and reputational risks. Today, to deal with ever-growing, fast, and sophisticated cybersecurity threats and attacks, enterprises either find the correct MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) or build an efficient SOC (Security Operation Center).