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September 2020

How Does Ransomware Work? It Doesn't Have to If You're Prepared

Ransomware attacks have become the most common security threat faced by businesses today. A recent report from TrustWave indicates that the number of ransomware attacks quadrupled last year; this type of attack now accounts for more than 20% of all digital security incidents. It’s now more common than even credit card theft.

How to Detect Ransomware

The second most common type of malware incident is the notorious ransomware attack. According to the Verizon 2020 Data Breach Investigations report, the primary aim of a ransomware attack is “to disrupt operations badly enough and long enough that the organization will pay the ransom.” The average ransom payment in Q2 2020 was a whopping $178,254 — a 60% increase from Q1.