Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2020

Drovorub "Taking systems to the wood chipper" - What you need to know

On August 15th the NSA and FBI published a joint security alert containing details about a previously undisclosed Russian malware. The agencies say that the Linux strain malware has been developed and deployed in real-world attacks by Russian military hackers.

Netskope Threat Coverage: GuLoader

GuLoader is a sophisticated malware downloader that stores its payloads in Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. In addition to using popular cloud apps to evade network-based detection, it uses anti-VM techniques to evade sandbox analysis. Since it was first discovered in December 2019, GuLoader has become one of the top malware delivery mechanisms observed in the wild. It is used by multiple threat actors to deliver a variety of threats, most commonly remote access Trojans (RATs).

The Ultimate OpenCart Security & Malware Removal Tutorial

In this video, we are going to drill down OpenCart hacked cases, talk about the common hacked symptoms, their causes, and will go through a working Opencart hack removal plan & how can you secure your store steps. Credit Card Hijacking & Adware pop-up malware have been demonstrated in this video so that you can remove such malware step by step.