Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2024

UpGuard Expands Vendor Risk Questionnaire Library with New DORA Questionnaire

UpGuard is excited to announce the latest addition to our Vendor Risk Questionnaire Library: the DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) questionnaire! The addition of DORA to the Questionnaire Library reflects UpGuard’s ongoing commitment to providing our customers with the necessary tools to navigate today’s evolving regulatory standards.

Navigating the Future: Key EU Cybersecurity Regulatory Frameworks for 2024-2029

The European Union (EU) is leading the development of comprehensive cybersecurity regulations. These frameworks shape secure digital environments and protect businesses and citizens from cyber threats. For industry leaders and cybersecurity practitioners, especially those focused on cloud technologies, understanding and navigating these frameworks is key to maintaining compliance and gaining a competitive edge.

Introducing UpGuard's DPDP Act Security Questionnaire

In an era where data breaches and privacy concerns dominate headlines, regulatory frameworks like India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDP) have become indispensable. The DPDP Act safeguards the privacy of individuals by regulating how organizations operating in India can collect, process, and store personal data. Landmark regulations like the DPDP Act are essential for enhancing data security.

CCPA Compliance Guide: How to Get Your Business CCPA Compliant

Over the past few years, businesses have been fighting against the threat of data breaches and cyberattacks, and customers are trying to find new ways to protect their privacy online and keep their data safe from being shared with third parties. Since 2018, the California Consumer Privacy Act and others, such as the GDPR, have made it a legal obligation for companies to protect user data. As a result, other states are starting to follow suit.