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January 2021

Securing your code: GDPR best practices for application security

GDPR best practices often focus on how to process and manage personal data, but companies should also consider application security to ensure compliance. The standard cliché used to be that you are what you eat. Which remains true, of course. But it’s also incomplete—so last century. Today, you are what you do online, which is almost everything.

When and How to report GDPR personal data breaches (Article 33)

The Data Protection Act was brought in in 2018, and it controls and monitors the way that UK businesses and organizations use your personal data and information, such as credit, payment card, financial information, social security numbers, and any sensitive data. Under the act, it is up to everyone to ensure that they use data wisely and adhere to the data protection principles that are laid down in the act, which are.

Top GDPR Solutions for Security and Consent Management

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of provisions and requirements governing data protection and privacy for individuals across the European Union. It applies to any business or public body — inside or outside the EU — that handles the personal data of EU residents. Essentially, GDPR requirements govern the way companies process and store personally identifiable information (PII).

A Look at the Legal Consequence of a Cyber Attack

Is your system 100% ready to face the severest cyber-attack and mitigate the risk of a possible data breach? If you are unsure about your cyber-safety structure, then it’s time to upgrade it. Otherwise, you could be at risk of lengthy legal battles that result in hefty fines. Beyond that, the cost in terms of reputational loss could be catastrophic if not handled meticulously by professionals within a reasonable time.

What is CCPA Data Minimization?

With enhanced information security becoming increasingly more urgent, privacy protection efforts are ramping up for many industries. One of the more recent measures to address data privacy has come from the latest California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Proposition 24, also known as the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA).

What Is the Threshold Application of the CCPA?

When the California Consumer Privacy Act took effect on Jan. 1, 2020, many businesses scrambled to determine whether the law applied to them. The CCPA is the most stringent privacy law enacted in the United States, and for various reasons, its reach can extend well beyond the state’s borders. The objective of the CCPA is to give consumers certain rights to protect their personal data that companies might collect, store, and process for commercial purposes.

What Is HIPAA Compliance: Guidelines for Becoming Compliant

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a U.S. law designed to protect individual privacy by establishing national standards for maintaining sensitive patient health information and medical records. HIPAA compliance rules incorporate requirements from several other legislative acts, including the Public Health Service Act and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act.