Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2024

Automating Incident Response Workflows with LimaCharlie

As a security professional, you know that the ability to swiftly and effectively respond to threats is crucial. This live session will delve into the powerful capabilities of LimaCharlie, a SecOps Cloud Platform, for automating comprehensive Incident Response (IR) workflows. You’ll learn how to leverage LimaCharlie for a seamless and automated forensic triage acquisition, evidence processing, and forensic timeline generation.

Destructive Malware: Threat Detection and Incident Response

Imagine that you have a snack you want to eat while watching a movie on a Friday night. You look in your kitchen, only to find the snack missing. Whether a roommate hid the snack or ate it, you no longer have access to it, disrupting your evening plans. This destructive behavior interrupts your weekend objectives, but it’s pretty low stakes overall.

The Importance of Cyber Security Services in Today's Digital Landscape

In the digital age, where almost every aspect of our lives is intertwined with technology, ensuring the security of our online presence has never been more critical. Cyber security services play a pivotal role in protecting sensitive information from cyber threats, making them indispensable for both businesses and individuals. But what exactly are cyber security services, and why are they so important?

CrowdStrike Named a Leader with "Bold Vision" in 2024 Forrester Wave for Cybersecurity Incident Response Services

CrowdStrike has been named a Leader in The Forrester Wave: Cybersecurity Incident Response Services, Q2 2024. This recognition demonstrates for us our unwavering commitment to providing the technology and services organizations need to detect and eliminate threats. “A product powerhouse in detection and response tech, CrowdStrike’s unwavering mission and vision are to stop breaches,” the report states.