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March 2024

Who You Gonna Call? For Incident Response

Globally, no organization is immune to attack. Cybersecurity threats are a reality and every organization, anywhere in the world, is a potential target, regardless of location or size. It’s not a question of if, but when an incident will affect your organization. Do you know who you will call for assistance?

Understanding the Vital Importance of Security Awareness in Today's Digital World

The IT security awareness training is organized to educate individuals to recognize and avoid cyber threats, aiming to prevent or minimize damage to your company while reducing human errors. By promoting a security-first policy and educating all employees on protecting personal and company data, your company can prevent those threats.

5 Steps to Creating an Incident Response Plan

No matter how robust your cyber defenses are, there is a high likelihood that your organization will experience a cybersecurity incident—either directly or as a result of a supply chain attack. Implementing a cybersecurity incident response plan can help you effectively address a cyber event, reduce disruptions to your business operations, and ensure compliance with regulations.

What is an Incident Response?

After a bank heist, the work begins with specialized teams and plans engaged, allowing for analysis of the event, and from this analysis, the bank can prepare a response to the incident. The incident response may include stricter entry protocols, additional guards inside or around the building, or the installation of metal detectors, ID scanners, and panes of bulletproof glass surrounding the tellers.

The Urgent Need for Real-time Cloud Detection & Response

It is impressive how explosively the cloud security market has embraced detection and response in recent months. The industry, including both users and vendors, is rapidly acknowledging the complexity of modern cloud attacks. Facilitated by automation and APIs, attacks cannot be effectively countered with traditional solutions that lack context of cloud environments or focus solely on posture.

Incident readiness is crucial for state and local governments

Local governments in the United States faced a surge in cyber threats during the latter half of 2023, with over 160 cybersecurity incidents impacting the State, Local, and Education (SLED) sectors. Alarming statistics reveal that many of these incidents were ransomware attacks (45%) and data breaches (37%). As custodians of vast amounts of personal and private information, local governments are entrusted with safeguarding sensitive data against evolving cyber threats.

Why Having Incident Response Increases Insurability

The past few years have been hard on cybersecurity professionals. An onslaught of new attack innovations and evolutions have raised the risk — and the costs — of an attack. More organizations than ever before are attempting to transfer a portion of that risk through cyber insurance. However, cyber insurance policies, once easy to get and robust in coverage, have become challenging to obtain, difficult to maintain, and costly to keep.