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February 2024

Beat the Clock: Meet the 5/5/5 Detection and Response Benchmark With Sysdig and Tines

10 minutes to pain. When it comes to cloud security, 10 minutes or less is what bad actors need to execute an attack. Does it mean your business could be at risk if you fail to detect and respond to an attack in less than 10 minutes? Absolutely yes. With more and more sophisticated security attacks actively occurring nowadays, security teams need to hold themselves to a modernized benchmark.
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Leveraging Threat Intelligence for Regulatory Compliance

The US Government recently announced that state-sponsored Chinese cyber group Volt Typhoon has compromised multiple critical infrastructure organisations' IT networks in the US and is preparing "disruptive or destructive cyber attacks" against communications, energy, transport, water and waste water systems. The announcement, which was supported by national cybersecurity agencies in Australia, Canada, UK, and New Zealand, is a sobering reminder that modern life relies on digital networks. From healthcare, banking, and socialising, to energy, water, local and national government - everything has a digital aspect.