Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2023

Automate incident response and security workflows with Blink in the Datadog Marketplace

Security and DevOps engineers often spend a lot of time and effort creating and managing complex, repetitive workflows, such as incident response, honeypotting, recovery and remediation, and more. Blink is a no-code security platform that enables users to create workflow automations, triggers, and self-service apps to streamline processes, better enforce guardrails, and eliminate operational bottlenecks.

How to Make SBOMs Work for Incident Response

In a world where software tools are spawning businesses each day, and cyberattacks and threats are increasing rapidly, ensuring the clarity and security of these tools has become a top priority. Regulators suggest new tools and standards to ease the complexities in a software supply chain. One such tool is the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). It lists all the components used in building the software and helps identify the weak spots.

Level Up Your Incident Response Playbook with These 5 Tips

Data breaches loom large for organizations big and small. On top of being incredibly time-consuming, they can lead to legal damages, shattered customer trust, and severe financial fallout—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. ‍ ‍ Laws and technologies are constantly evolving, which means that, in turn, security strategies must always adapt to keep up.