Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2020

Accelerate Incident Response and Incident Management with AIOps. 5 Key Benefits in Cisco Environments

Artificial Intelligence for ITOps (AIOps) can help accelerate incident response with all the incident context, impact assessment, triage data and collaboration & automation tools at one place.

Denmark's Largest Utility Company Accelerates Incident Response

As Denmark’s largest power, utility and telecommunications company servicing 1.5 million customers, Norlys understands the need for fast response to security alerts. When the company first started, the Norlys security team built their own log analytics and incident response capabilities from the ground up. This homegrown approach presented challenges, including manual workflows, too many repetitive tasks and difficult-to-maintain processes.

3 Steps to Building a Resilient Incident Response Plan

According to the Accenture State of Cybersecurity 2020 report, the average cost of a cyber attack for ‘non-leaders’ stands at $380,000 per incident. The report classifies organizations into ‘leaders’ and ‘non-leaders.’ The ‘leaders’ are those who set the bar for innovation and achieve high-performing cyber resilience. Given the rate of cyber attacks today, a security breach can easily run a non-resilient business into a major loss.