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April 2021

How to manage data subject access requests (DSARs)

In a nutshell, a data subject access request – or DSAR for short – is when someone asks a organisation for a copy of all personal data they hold about them, and then that organisation provides it in a clear and structured way. In addition to the data itself, DSARs allow a data subject (like you or me) to find out things like what the organisation is doing with the data, who they’re sharing it with, how long its held on to for, where they got it from, and so on.

How to Future Proof Your System Against a Zero Day Exploit

Earlier this year, Kaspersky researchers discovered a zero day exploit hidden in Desktop Windows Manager. The exploit, designated as CVE-2021-28310, is known as an escalation of privilege (EoP) exploit, which allows attackers to gain access or a higher-level user permission to systems and platforms than an administrator would permit. Though patches have since been released, it’s not yet known how extensive the damage from this zero day exploit is yet.

A quick round up of privacy highlights for Q1 of 2021

As expected, the start of 2021 has seen unprecedented movement in the U.S. with 22 states introducing comprehensive privacy legislation and even more introducing specific-use legislation. To date, hundreds of privacy bills were introduced across the states; to give some perspective, more than 50 privacy bills were introduced in New York alone. Undoubtedly a hot topic, it seemed anyone with an idea for a privacy bill put it in writing and introduced it to their legislature.

Nightfall for GitHub, Now with Real-Time Data Loss Prevention

We are excited to announce that Nightfall DLP for GitHub now has two plans available: Pro and Enterprise. Both plans allow you to discover, classify and protect sensitive information in any GitHub organization by actively scanning your codebase for secrets, credentials, PII, and other business-critical data to notify you of data policy violations. The Enterprise plan provides the additional ability to scan the commit history of any repo within your GitHub org.

How Microservices Impact Your App Security

An IBM survey of IT executives, developer executives, and developers found that 87% of microservices users agreed that microservices adoption is worthwhile. Microservices are popular with both technology leaders and developers, making them a highly effective tool for businesses of all sizes. Microservices have many uses, and security is one area where micro services can both help — and harm.

Data Security and Governance in Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365, as a service, contains many features that focus on security. Each service uses Azure Active Directory for authentication and authorization to access either the app itself or the content that resides within it. Organization-specific security controls and procedures should augment all out-of-the-box configurations.