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March 2021

How To Conduct A Website Security Check

By one estimate, more than 30,000 websites get hacked every day. Viruses, malware, spam, and DDoS attacks constantly threaten your organization’s valuable information. Customers trust you to maintain website security; so how can you make sure your site is as secure as possible? Follow this website security checklist to make sure you have all your bases covered when it comes to securing your business site.

Mixing the Perfect Vodka Martini Can Teach Enterprises a lot about Data Protection

What do data protection and the perfect vodka martini have in common? Quite a bit. For one thing, they’re both comforting to have around when things go wrong. More importantly, they're both made up of multiple ingredients and need premium products to work well together. It doesn’t matter how much flair you bring to serving that cocktail – without high-quality products and the right technique, you’re essentially serving a few ounces of vodka and vermouth.

Identity and Access Management vs Password Managers: What's the Difference?

Identity and access management best practices dictate that an organization provide one digital identity per individual. That identity can be maintained, monitored, and modified as needed while the user works on different projects and in different roles. However, strong IAM requires the use of tools and platforms, in addition to the principle of least privilege, to keep valuable information secure. [Read: 5 Identity and Access Management Best Practices]

3 BYOD Security Risks and Challenges

It’s estimated that over 50% of employees use their personal devices for some work activities. As more people use their personal smartphones or laptops to do their jobs, the security risks at an organization increase dramatically. BYOD — whether instituted as a formal policy or as an adaptation to the pandemic — opens a company’s systems and platforms up to hacking, data loss, and insider threat.

Quick Guide to the Difference Between a Public and a Private Cloud

Cloud security. Cloud architecture. Cloud storage. As you start scaling your business, you know “the cloud” is an important element of your IT capabilities. But, it can be a little confusing to understand the ins and outs of “the cloud” — especially when it comes to using cloud-based tools for your company to work remotely. Before we get into private vs public clouds, let’s quickly establish what we mean by cloud computing.

Yieldstreet protects PII in Slack with Nightfall DLP

Yieldstreet is an alternative investments platform that strives to democratize access to financial products historically only available to institutional investors. With Yieldstreet, there are investment opportunities available to both accredited and non-accredited investors looking to invest in funds in the litigation finance, marine finance, and art finance asset classes.