Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2020

How to Protect PII

A wide range of privacy regulations govern how organizations collect, store and use personally identifiable information (PII). In general, companies need to ensure data confidentiality, avoid data breaches and leaks, and make sure data is not destroyed or altered in unauthorized ways. The consequences of lost or leaked PII data are significant. Of course, the individuals involved can be harmed from resulting identity theft and associated costs.

More Than a Tenth of Ransomware Attacks Now Involve Data Theft

Research into recent ransomware submissions revealed that more than a tenth of crypto-malware infections now involve some element of data theft. In the second quarter of 2020, ID Ransomware received 100,001 submissions of crypto-malware pertaining to attacks that had targeted organizations and government entities. Of those attacks, 11,642 involved the theft of victim data by their perpetrators. That’s over 11% of the attacks for that six-month period.

Data Security in Cloud Computing: Key Components

Businesses of all sizes are moving to the cloud to take advantage of the greater data availability, significant cost savings and data redundancy that cloud computing provides compared to a traditional data center-based physical infrastructure. Moving to the cloud can also reduce shadow IT and get data stores out from storage closets and underneath desks so they can be governed and protected in compliance with regulations and best practices.

10 Questions for Assessing Data Security in the Enterprise

It's hard to imagine an organization today that does not rely on file servers, SharePoint or Office 365 for storing data, including valuable and sensitive information such as intellectual property and personal data. This makes these systems particularly attractive targets for all sort of attackers, from external hackers to disgruntled employees. To protect data from both external and internal threats, businesses must regularly conduct thorough data security assessments as part of their broader cyber security assessments.