Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2020

Data Privacy in 2020

Data breaches are at an all-time high, with all evidence pointing to increased data exposure. Naturally, organizations are turning to employee monitoring, insider threat detection and data loss prevention technologies to protect themselves. There is, however, some concern that these solutions may create a potential conflict with employee and consumer privacy rights. Especially, with the introduction of GDPR, CCPA and other similar laws at various stages of processing, companies around the world are being forced take a closer look at their data governance and privacy policies.

Why Data Security is Gaining Traction

Artificial Intelligence, a digital sharing economy, and various services are changing every aspect of our lives. Global powers are competing for a bigger presence in the new digital economy and trade. Information is the cornerstone of the digital economy. The freedom and openness of the internet, as well as the removal of trade barriers, has opened a new battleground. The recent Covid-19 pandemic has opened a Pandora’s Box with cyber-hackers having ready access.

Netwrix Data Classification - Overview

Netwrix Data Classification is a software platform that helps you solve your most critical data security, content optimization and compliance needs, regardless of where your data is located. Every day employees produce tons of data. This skyrocketing data growth causes problems across the organization. Users can’t find the documents they need. Sensitive files get placed on public shares. Data storages reach their limits. It’s harder and harder for you to satisfy requests from your legal and compliance departments. Don’t let this pressure get a hold.