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February 2020

Gehaxelt - How Wordpress Plugins Leak Sensitive Information Without You Noticing

Sebastian Neef (@gehaxelt) is a IT security freelancer and a top contributor from the Detectify Crowdsource community. In this guest blog, he looks at ways WordPress plugins leak sensitive data in the wild: The OWASP Top 10 puts Sensitive Data Exposure on the 3rd place of the most common web security issues. In this blog post we will have a look at sensitive data exposure that you might not be aware of.

What is DLP?

This video briefly explains what data loss prevention is and which steps are crucial to establish a DLP process in your organization. Your confidential, regulated or business-critical data is constantly at risk of being lost. For example, it could be leaked from an unsecure location, or it might be sent to the wrong recipient in an email. To prevent critical information from leaving your organization, you need data loss prevention (DLP).

What is Data Loss Prevention (DLP)?

Data loss prevention (DLP) is a set of processes and technologies that ensure sensitive data is not lost, misused or exposed to unauthorized users by end-users or misconfiguration. Most data loss prevention solutions rely on data classification. This means that sensitive data is grouped into different buckets, e.g. regulated, confidential, financial data, intellectual property, and business-critical data.

A Guide to Digital Privacy for You and Your Family

Having worked with many individuals responding to incidents where their digital private images were shared without consent, social media or email accounts had unauthorised access, and even physical safety was a concern, it is all too familiar how terrifying the unknown can be. As someone who has been on both the victim’s and later the responder’s side, I am qualified to express both the terror and knowledge of things you can do to take back control.

Advanced Solutions for Data Theft and Fraud Detection

The threats from data theft and fraud will continue to be a significant concern for all corporate entities in 2020. eCommerce sales, for example, are expected to reach almost one trillion dollars in the next three years, creating a growing opportunity for attackers to capitalize on fraud. A Juniper Research Report regarding online payment fraud trends estimated that digital card, not present fraud (CNP), one of several fraud categories, will reach $130 billion by 2023.

How your screen's brightness could be leaking data from your air-gapped computer

It may not be the most efficient way to steal data from an organisation, let alone the most practical, but researchers at Ben-Gurion University in Israel have once again detailed an imaginative way to exfiltrate information from an air-gapped computer. And this time they haven’t done it by listening to a PC’s fan, or watching the blinking LED lights on a hard drive or even picking up FM radio waves.