Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2021

Largest Iran's Bank Allegedly Breached Exposing 47M Records Of The Customer

Recently, while performing a deep inspection of the dark web through Foresiet DigiRisk Platform, our Cyber Research and Support Team (FCRST) noticed, 33M records of Iran Bank were found breached and available. Our researcher has validated the data and it's very scary and has complete information including Account detail, card detail, PII information.

Reporting a GDPR data breach

In order to understand how to report a data breach, we first have to know what a data breach actually is. Under the GDPR, a personal data breach is “the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data.” This covers a wide range of scenarios, some of which might be surprising. The following would all be considered as data breaches under the GDPR.

Baseline Security (Posture) Monitoring is the New Breach Monitoring

As part of the 2021 MSP 500 project, CRN asked MSPs to describe their most significant challenges for 2021. Their answers ranged from 'finding and hiring highly trained new employees' to 'fulfilling clients' sophisticated IT security needs whilst sustaining business in the saturated MSP market.' In 2021 the cybersecurity threats have taken different shades and have compelled the MSPs to refine and increase their security offering to stay relevant and thriving in the market.

15 signs your vendor has been breached in 2021

The Solarwinds supply chain attack has made the danger of third-party breaches very clear. Businesses globally are realizing that their vendors may not be as secure as they originally thought. The concerning truth about vendor relationships is that you can never be confident of a prospective vendor's cybersecurity. In fact, onboarding new third-party vendors increase your digital risk and the likelihood of becoming victim to a third-party breach.