Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2023

Cyber Trends for 2023: The Bots are Still Coming, but Humans are Driving Them

If one topic has been on the minds of CISOs and CIOs alike over the last three years of Covid and post-Covid hybrid enterprise work environments, it’s ransomware. A distributed tech workforce — using distributed software services — proved to be no match for highly automated ransomware bots and malware executing encryption attacks. But this year, like the end of War of the Worlds, the attacking bots may suddenly fall silent.

Newsworthy Data Leaks | Cybersecurity Sessions #15 with Jurgita Lapienytė

Not a week goes by without a massive data leak being reported in the news – both in tech publications and across mainstream media. According to Atlas VPN, 5.9 billion credentials were leaked in 2021 alone. But it’s not just credentials under attack; personal data, payment information, sensitive corporate data, and even source code are all at risk of being leaked. But how is so much data leaked so often? What do criminals do with this data once they have it? How much risk does this pose to the public, and what can be done about it?

The 443 Episode 224 - Reviving a Dead Botnet

This week on the podcast we cover a recent analysis by Mandiant on a Russia-based APT using a decade old botnet to deliver new attacks. Before that, we cover an update from LastPass about their most recent breach as well as the 200 million Twitter accounts leaked last week. The 443 Security Simplified is a weekly podcast that gets inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers, covering the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends.