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June 2024

DAST Vs. Penetration Testing: Comprehensive Guide to Application Security Testing

For two decades or so now, web applications have been the backbone of many businesses, making their security paramount. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and penetration testing are crucial for identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities in web application security. While both aim to enhance application security, they differ significantly in their approach, execution, and outcomes.

Understanding the Nuances: DAST vs. Penetration Testing

Cyberattacks are a growing threat, making it crucial for us to understand the tools and techniques available to secure applications. Today, we dive into the differences and similarities between Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and Penetration Testing with insights from a Veracode industry expert and certified penetration tester, Florian Walter. DAST is an automated technique designed to identify security vulnerabilities in web applications and APIs during runtime.

How AI adoption throughout the SDLC affects software testing

With AI finding adoption throughout all stages of the development process, the SDLC as we know it is becoming a thing of the past. Naturally, this has many implications for the field of software testing. This article will discuss how the SDLC has evolved over time, going into detail on the impact that AI adoption is having on both software development and software testing.