Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2022

SnykCon recap: Building a developer-focused AppSec program

Building an application security program can be overwhelming. The steady stream of content encouraging teams to shift left is inspiring, but it doesn’t help you get started. Looking toward organizations with mature AppSec initiatives can make the gap seem insurmountable — all while an actionable plan remains elusive. Like anything else in software development, application security is a journey. A journey that’s much more enjoyable with some guiding principles.

Scale and mature your AppSec program with a managed services partner

A managed services partner should do more than run the tests you choose. The right partner will work with you to shape your application security program. If your firm has attempted to hire internal security experts lately, you know they’re few and far between.

AppSec Decoded: Reducing the risk of ransomware | Synopsys

Watch our latest episode of AppSec Decoded, featuring Sammy Migues, principal scientist at Synopsys and coauthor of the BSIMM report, and Tim Mackey, principal security strategist at Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center (CyRC), as they discuss the do’s and don’ts of ransomware prevention and mitigation.

Have You Forgotten About Application-Level Security?

Security is one of the most changeable landscapes in technology at the moment. With innovations, come new threats, and it seems like every week brings news of a major organization succumbing to a cyber attack. We’re seeing innovations like AI-driven threat detection and zero-trust networking continuing to be a huge area of investment. However, security should never be treated as a single plane.

Code Dx wins CybersecAsia award for Best in Application Development Security

Code Dx was recognized for its leadership in application security development. Learn how Code Dx helps to build trust in your software. Synopsys is proud to announce that Code Dx® has won the 2021 CybersecAsia Reader’s Choice Award for Best in Application Development Security.