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October 2022

JFrog's Advanced Security Scanners Discovered Thousands of Publicly Exposed API Tokens - And They're Active

The JFrog Security Research team released the findings of a recent investigation wherein they uncovered thousands of publicly exposed, active API tokens. This was accomplished while the team tested the new Secrets Detection feature in the company’s JFrog Advanced Security solution, part of JFrog Xray.

How to make a mock API server in JavaScript

Developing and testing a frontend feature can be difficult, especially when the backend it depends on is not ready. This dependency on a backend API often slows down the development process. In scenarios like this, developing a mock API can save you a lot of time by allowing you to develop your feature independent of the backend, and make it easier to test and identify scenarios where your API might fail before it is ready.

Rubrik and GraphQL - Episode 6 - Using the Rubrik API Code Capture Extension

Now that we understand how to form and execute our GraphQL calls, many have reached out asking how to automate certain tasks that are performed within the Rubrik Security Cloud UI. In this episode, I'll introduce you to the Rubrik API Code Capture extension for Chrome. If you know how to accomplish something within the UI, the Code Capture extension will show you the exact API call you need, including the query name and formation of the payload that you are sending! It's super easy to use and can save you a ton of time digging through documentation!

Proactively reduce risks with Attack Surface Custom Policies

If you’re responsible for security, then you know how useful it is to have clearly-defined security policies that are simple to implement, scale, and verify. Product and AppSec teams know that great security policies empower teams to work autonomously so that work moves forward as it should. However, validating that your security policies are actually implemented is difficult.

Learnings from the Optus Breach

Before we delve into the reasons behind Optus breach, let’s see the chronology of events. According to various reports, Optus customer data was accessed via an API interface that was not secure. Apart from unauthenticated API, there was another serious issue related to easily enumerated ID’s (identifiers). These are foundational controls that were found lacking in the API implementation..

The 6 Biggest Challenges of REST API Testing

Securing REST APIs is particularly difficult since they are highly interconnected and not designed for manual access. To save time and be more efficient, many developers rely on testing solutions that can automatically detect REST API endpoints and test parameter properties within them. In this article, I want to provide an overview of the 6 biggest challenges of REST API security testing and how test automation can help resolve them.

What to Know about APIs, the "On-Ramps to the Digital World"

An application programming interface, or API, is a defined process that allows data to be shared between applications or programs. Each API consists of a set of rules that dictates how communication occurs between a client and a server or external program. The required request format, the authentication process, and the encryption of data all have set guidelines so that the API knows what information to share and when and how to share it.