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July 2022

Data Flow Mapping: Why It Matters and How to Do It

Working with data is something that requires a lot of care and precision, yet it often remains an under-scrutinized aspect of DevSecOps. This is because it requires focusing on many moving parts. You need to know exactly when data events occur, what parties are involved, and how they send and store data. In any process with more than minimal complexity, this is a huge web of events. Data flow mapping is the key to detangling that web.

An In-Depth Guide to Conducting a Data Security Audit

Data breaches and hacks can cost companies millions. To protect sensitive data, you have to ensure that your entire system is compliant with data security standards and regulations. To properly evaluate your level of compliance, you need to conduct a data security audit. In this post, we’ll look at how to conduct a data security audit. You'll learn about the different types of audits, and the steps to take when conducting an audit.

The New Kubernetes Gateway API and Its Use Cases

Despite being a large open-source and complex project, Kubernetes keeps on evolving at an impressive pace. Being at the center of various platforms and solutions, the biggest challenge for the Kubernetes project is to remain vendor-neutral. This is the reason the community has come up with Kubernetes Gateway API.

9 Data security best practices and how to implement them

Companies today are consuming and deploying more data than ever. At the same time, there's also a growing cybersecurity talent shortage, as well as an increasingly dangerous threat landscape. Unfortunately, this combination leaves companies at risk for costly breaches and vulnerabilities. For this reason, many traditional IT security engineers are upskilling and transitioning into data security to help close the cybersecurity gap and protect private data.